I Am Water, My Newest and Favorite Book

Last week my illustrated fable was finally published and released on Amazon. You can view it HERE.

Without a doubt, this was the most fun I ever had in creating a book. I posted about this book before when it was in the early stages but as the process went on, I liked it even more.

Unlike my previous works where the goals were to elicit emotion, get under the reader’s skin, and sometimes scare them, this book wasn’t created with a goal in mind. It just burst out of me in a frenzy. A happy frenzy. I was writing it and smiling. I was drawing the pictures and smiling.

When I read it back later, with very few changes from the original 48-hour scribbles-in-a notebook version, I feel uplifted, impatient to get it out there so others could feel the same.

And when the first proof was done and for the first time I read the book start to finish with the drawings (cleaned up and sharp and perfect) next to the verses, I was over the moon with excitement. Each little drawing brought me so much joy when woven into the story.

Now that the book is available, my hope is that those who read it, children and adults, will feel enlightened, connected, and have a new perspective on life. Is that too much to expect from a poetry book with pen and ink cartoons? I don’t think so. You don’t need a lot of words to make an impact. You just need the right words, and the right pictures.

Making a positive impact while enjoying the creative process is a pretty amazing thing.

Here are some sample pages, but seeing them in the book takes the experience to the next level. There’s a paperback and a hardcover. I LOVE the hardcover but the paperback is also pretty darn cute.

I asked a friend, Dr. Rev. Patrick Harbula, I met recently to read the book and review it. I was happy that he said yes but couldn’t be sure he would be as taken with it as I was. As an author we always have high hopes for our books, but one can never tell if someone else will feel the same.

Here’s what he calls his testimonial:

I Am Water by Tracy L. Carbone is a Godsend! It’s a brilliantly crafted story that introduces to children (and just as relevant for adults) metaphysical concepts about unity consciousness and unconditional love in a playful and compelling fashion. I read it with my 7-year-old granddaughter, and it opened questions and conversations of philosophical nature that would not have occurred from conversation alone. I highly recommend it for children and adults!

Dr. Rev. Patrick J. Harbula, Director of Living Purpose Institute and Bestselling author of The Magic of the Soul: Applying Spiritual Power to Daily Living and Meditation: The Simple and Practical Way

If you want a quick read that will uplift you, please check it out. You won’t regret it.