My Mosaic Wall – Out of This World

Since I created elements of the wall and patched them together later, much the way a person gradually fills in their skin canvas with tattoos, I can go back after the fact and post by type. Had I known the wall art would get so extensive I would have shared it from the onset.

One of the first items I added was the sun. Shortly after, I began to add stars. This was around the time I discovered I could get penny tiles at Home Depot online. The sun was a mixture of broken 99 Cent Store plates and yellow penny tiles. The stars are penny tiles.

I also discovered black grout paint. On other scenes I tried to mix the paint with the grout but it came out a charcoal gray or lighter and I didn’t like the effect. What I’ve done since is paint the white in between the tiles with a toothpick or Q-tip. I can wipe or scrape away the paint from the tile later. This was a great discovery for me and opened up a whole new world of options for me.

I managed to snag about a dozen dark blue plates from the 99 Cent Store which made me think of a night sky. I set out to make a night sky with stars. Later I added a moon and more night sky to fill in blank areas.

Over on the right, I made a Martian in honor of my daughter’s father who is obsessed with UFOs, and also to commemorate the fact that the government  quietly announced there are UFOs out there and have been the whole time. Maybe that’s paraphrasing, but announcing it in the midst of a pandemic, and protests and riots for the George Floyd killing, pushed it to the very bottom of the news, below the Kardashians.

As always, here’s a pic of the materials I use. I’m not getting a commission on this, and don’t provide a link. I just love these products. For small jobs like this too, it would be a hassle to be mixing grout all the time and guessing how much to use.


Here’s an overall picture from today. I’m still adding so stay tuned.
