My Art Sanctuary

It’s taken months but finally my art/creative shed is complete! Last fall I was visiting family in Niland,CA, a tiny town built above natural hot springs. I go there to visit but also to unplug and relax. While there, I was reading an art book that showed various techniques. There was a whole chapter all about the importance of having a place to create art.

Until last weekend that special place was the kitchen table. Once dinner was done and everyone was out of the kitchen, I’d get my palette, paints, a cover for the table, brushes and my phone. Then I’d drag the easel from the corner of the kitchen and paint while the TV was on in the background and people and dogs would be walking by and chatting. I’m long used to this type of arrangement and wrote many of my books and stories on a crowded train or a crowded living room with the TV on and people and dogs around me.

But the idea of my OWN place to create enchanted me. I decided that day that in the spring I was going to replace the plastic tool shed with a read shed, a wooden one with windows and shutters. I was going to paint it bright colors on the inside, and soft brown on the outside.

I went back and forth on it from a financial standpoint as some life changes are coming soon but then decided I really wanted this and everything else would sort it self out. It always does.

Details don’t matter but I ended with a Tuff Shed. I can’t say enough good things about the process. It’s 8X12. I paid a tiny bit more for some of the extras like two 3 ft windows, a higher ceiling, a window in the door, a better subfloor. It came in about a week and was assembled in five hours.

The inside took a lot longer as I was doing this myself with my daughter’s fiancé (doing the heavy and technical stuff) and my daughter. We insulated and drywalled and painted it and added a peel and stick floor. We spent a lot of time and money at Home Depot getting supplies to make it as cozy as possible.We never have rain here, but we had a lot of rain, every weekend. This slowed our progress down but, drum roll, it’s awesome!

We can’t electrify it without permits so I got rechargeable lightbulbs on Amazon and put them cozy lamps (not plugged in). They’re just bright enough and last a long time.

I’ll be naming the shed one of these days and I’ll post when I do. For years, much of our craft stuff has been buried in bins so it’s nice that now everything is easily accessible in drawers.

I am enjoying it so much! If you can swing it, I highly recommend one.


A Widower, an Ex, and My Little Grandson

I took a trip back east last month so my painting got a little behind.

Before I left, I started two paintings. One was of an old man and his ghost wife on a beach, and the other, an attempt to capture the image of my grandson looking introspective. Once I got home and settled back into my routine, I finished the first two.

Then over the weekend I started and “finished” a new one, of my daughter’s father who I saw while we were in Massachusetts. I may still work on it a bit to fix some details and background but I think it’s nearly there. You can check out my instagram @oilsbytracy for a timelapse video. My grandson saw the picture and shouted “Grampy” so I know the resemblance is there. Toddlers are pretty perceptive.

Here’s the newest. On the poetry book front, my publisher/husband got delayed on his part because of a knee issue so now I’m rethinking it and may add some more words and drawings. Until then…here are the paintings. These are all oil on canvas boards.

Last week I emptied out my booth at the vintage shop. I made it a year and it was a fun adventure but I was mostly breaking even and selling vintage items over my art, which is why I opened it in the first place. In 2024 I’ll be launching an online art store, one with less chit chat and more just pictures of the art for sale. This site will remain as my little bit of everything, to cover recipes, pets, writing, and art in it’s many forms. Right now I’m weighing the options: Shopify vs. Etsy vs. something else.

Have creativity to all!


Spencer and the Homeless Zoo

This painting was done for my daughter’s friend. He’s Spencer, a standard poodle. He’s still alive and happy so no Rainbow Bridge messages this time.

The painting above started with me wanting to paint a homeless person. I was going for sad realism like my old painting instructor had hanging in our class/his home gallery. Initially I was copying some a photo from Google but ultimately used my imagination. The kids in the background were supposed to be peering through the fence to the man on the street but as I painted it, I realized the fence looked like zoo bars. I went with it, gave him water and Happy Meal, and a flower to beautify his “cage.” It could be he’s in a zoo, as an attraction, or maybe it’s less literal and more figurative. In any event, I need a lot more practice to get to where my instructor is.

I’d picked up black gesso at a yard sale and tried it for the first time. It took a lot of paint to offset the darkness in the background so I don’t think I’ll use it again. But it was a good experiment. Both paintings are oil on canvas board, 11X14.

The Homeless Zoo is available at The Vintage Peddler in Simi Valley or you can reach out to me directly. 1750 E Los Angeles Ave, Simi Valley, CA 93065 ·

(805) 624-7102

Thanks for reading!


A Koala, Little Siblings, Coming Home, and Collective Consciousness

To round out a dozen animals that are not dogs and cats, I painted this Koala bear on an 11X14 canvas board. He will be available at my booth at The Vintage Peddler in Simi Valley soon, or contact me directly.

Below is a painting of my brother and I when we were very little. I painted this for my father’s 80th birthday. Sadly, shortly after this was taken, my parents divorced, and I didn’t see him for many years. We’re making up for lost time now.

This little girl in the painting called “Coming Home” is from my imagination, from dreams I’ve had a few times in my life. 11X14 oil on canvas board

Below is 100% from imagination. This work called “Collective Consciousness” was a project I created for a class I took at the Center for Spiritual Living in Simi Valley.

Branching out from Dogs

Though I love painting dogs, I’m not selling a lot of dog paintings outside of the ones commissioned. I decided to try my hand at some other animals, and took a crack at a mother and son picture of Abby and baby Travie from her birthday trek to Santa Monica Pier.

Without further ado, I give you “Hippo Lounging.”

“Smiling Lion”

“Friendly Quokka”

“Kangaroo and Joey.” This was a result of a badly painted small dog picture I never finished. I found it in the garage and was going to throw it away but someone in my house said it was good and I should finish it. I didn’t feel like I could do the original painting justice as my source photos were so different from each other I couldn’t get a handle on the dog’s true face. But turning it into a kangaroo was pretty easy.

This is a painting of a dog I saw at a play place with my grandson. I’ve been unable to contact the owners of the dog to offer them the painting so like many others it’s in my booth now, waiting for a buyer. It’s a Mini Bernedoodle.

The photo of Abby and the baby seemed like the perfect thing to paint to capture her birthday and his early steps. She was wearing a scarf in the painting and her face was in profile, shrouded in strands of hair, and heavily shadowed. She also wore glasses. After several attempts to get it right, and failing badly, I decided to scrap the actual photo and pretend the scarf wasn’t on her head. Then her hair would fall and obscure the face. Finally that worked.

“First Steps.”

If you’re interested in any of these original paintings, 8X10 or 11X14 on stretched canvas or canvas boards, please contact me or visit or contact The Vintage Pedler in Simi Valley CA.

A New Year and More Paintings

Happy 2023! I’ve been very busy the last couple of months. Three paid commissions, some just for me, and some for my store. I’m hard at work on a hippopotamus so stay tuned for my next post.

If you’re interested in a painting of your pet, please contact me 🙂

Happy New Year! Stay creative!


New Oil Paintings and Dabbling in Watercolors

Here are some of my newest paintings. My instagram @oilsbytracy has some cool time lapse videos if you’re interested. I’d love more followers!

I’m on a work trip for three weeks and knew I’d be having painting withdrawals so I brought a cheap set of watercolors and some brushes to keep me busy in the room at night and on weekends. I watched a handful of YouTube videos and practiced a bit. I prefer oils but watercolors are definitely a great travel craft.

At the end of week one, here are my paintings to date. Not great but better than I expected for trying this just a week ago. Here’s to the next two weeks of watercolors, and oils as soon as I’m back home.

Stay creative!


Pugs and Cavalier King Charles Spaniels

Here’s a Pug, thinking intently. 8X10, oils on stretched canvas

Below, we’ve got a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel named Stanley.

I’m hard at work on a kitty now and will post that soon.

I’ll be a little busy marketing my new book, filled with illustrations, so my painting – the fun part-has gotten a little behind.

Thanks for stopping by!


Goodbye Grandma Anna: A Granola Barr Book

This book is finally out! I’m so proud of it. This heartfelt, illustrated tale is a departure from the dark and spooky adult horror and mysteries I used to write. See the book here!

Amazon Book Description: Granola Barr is a tiny puppy when she comes to live with her new family. She grows very close to rascally Scruffy, and the old and frail Grandma Anna. It’s a perfect, cheerful life for Granola until one day Grandma Anna becomes very ill and goes to the doctor. When she doesn’t come home, and Granola learns her beloved Grandma Anna has passed away, she’s overcome with grief. Granola struggles with her sadness so much, that Grandma Anna returns as a spirit to help the puppy through her sorrow until she’s strong enough to let go. During this year-long visit, Granola takes the time she needs to accept Grandma Anna’s death and to say a proper goodbye.

Saying goodbye is never easy but Goodbye Grandma Anna shows how love, our memories, and our souls live on long after we pass on. This story of love, sadness, and finding hope and joy again is told from a puppy’s point of view alongside beautiful, original oil paintings created by the author and artist Tracy L. Carbone.


Losing a beloved grandmother is heartbreaking for little Granola Barr. A curious young pup, she cannot fathom why Grandma Anna went away or how she will ever get along without her. After a mysterious series of events, and an unimaginable surprise that helps her say goodbye, Granola’s spunky spirit is revived and her tiny tail begins to wag again with new life.

Goodbye Grandma Anna: A Granola Barr Book tackles the delicate subject of loss with a positive focus on the healing power of love. Seen through the eyes of an adorable puppy and the artistry of Tracy Carbone, it is a story for anyone who has ever grieved the passing of a cherished pet or relative. In whimsical illustrations, Ms. Carbone’s affection for animals shines throughout, reminding us that family members come in a variety of shapes and species, and teach us important lessons that enrich our lives. In a circle of life meant to expand our hearts and minds, the special bonds we develop never really leave us. Through loving memories and messages that can be passed along from generation to generation, our most valuable connections live on forever. Sure to appeal to children as an enchanting Granola Barr adventure in rhyme, Goodbye Grandma Ana offers a hopeful takeaway for readers of all ages.

—Tuya Pearl, psychotherapist and author of
Tell Me Your Story: How Therapy Works to Awaken, Heal, and Set You FreeA fantasy that reinforces the animal/human bond and the inevitability of loss. The author utilizes clever rhymes and prints of her oil paintings to tell the story.


In my literacy methods courses at St. John’s University I stressed to my students the invaluable skills and love of reading “Read Alouds” developed in children.
With the rhyming narrative and full page illustrations to reinforce the theme this sweet story serves as an excellent tool for a key methodology so useful in early literacy development.
It should be in every school library.
Dr. Peter Quinn , Associate Professor and Chair of the Department of Curriculum and Instruction.
St. John’s University, New York City.

If you pick up a copy, please, please, please leave an Amazon review!

Thanks for reading,
