Restitution-It’s Almost Here

Proofs have been reviewed for Restitution. The pdf looks great. The wraparound cover looks great. It’s come out so much better than I thought it would. This is Shadowridge Press’ first book and the editor had to learn a lot of new skills to get this off the ground in time for AnthoCon in November 2012. It’s been a lot of late nights for both of us (in our respective states). He used his old Photo Shop skills and also had to learn InDesign. I argued that uploading to Word would be just as good and not to stress out. But now that I see the final product, it really looks professional. Well worth his stress.

I’m not sure we’d get the same quality from a Microsoft Word upload. I had to do some extra editing at the end to insert the Prologue and first chapter of Hope House, a mainstream thriller coming out in the summer. I haven’t read this one in a while so there were tabs and adverbs and other items I know not to use anymore. I also reached out to get some new quotes and blurbs, sent the new version of Restitution out, and propositioned someone about doing an audiobook.

But now it’s nearly done. I cannot wait to promote this when it’s actually for sale, which will be REALLY SOON. Once we approve the printed ARC we’re good to go.

In the meantime, I finally made a QR code to link to my website. Next week I’ll get one for the book. It’s been a busy productive week which also included finishing my Financial Analysis class and completing week 5 of 6 of my Project Literary class (to teach English via tutoring students one on one). Next week I will get the information about my student. It’s a relief to have my Accounting class done,Literacy Class almost complete and for this book to be turned in.

I’m going to take a much-needed break until November 1st when I will be starting the NANOWRIMO program: 30 days and nights of writing to crank out 50,000 words in 30 days.

Stay tuned for news about the book.




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